Tuesday, August 12, 2008

If Anyone Gets The Pin Of Your Credit Card Things Will Get Serious For You

Category: Finance, Credit.

Sign all your credit cards on the signature strip immediately as you get them. Don' t write them in every nook and corner of your office, workplace or home.

The pin numbers- - they are the key to your credit card, if you can' t memorize them, write them on a paper and keep them at a safe place. If anyone gets the pin of your credit card things will get serious for you. The last thing you would like is dropping a credit card from your wallet, simply because it was too unmanageable. Don' t carry a wallet full of credit cards with you. It is a good habit to keep the credit cards separately from any identity proof like drivers license in your wallet. People often leave their credit card unattended, where they become easy prey for fraudsters.

The reason is that if someones gets your wallet he shouldn' t get complete clue about your identity. It is always advised to keep them safely. Get it back as soon as the transaction is completed. During any credit card transaction, don' t let the credit card stay away from your attention. Keep a check on what the counter clerk is doing with your credit card. During online transaction using credit cards make sure that the website is SSL protected and shows the secure transaction signs.

The reciepts of any credit card transactions should be kept safely and if they are not useful it is good to destroy them.

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